Username & Password

Username: *
Password: *
Please enter between 6 and 30 characters
Confirm Password: *


Delivery Address

Please enter your contact details, shipping address and invoice address.
Fields marked * are mandatory entries for registration.

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Company/Organization/University: *
Email: *
Street & No: *
Zip Code: *
Town: *
Country: *
Billing Information

Fields marked * are mandatory entries for order submission (possible to fill in later).

Email for digital invoicing (PDF): *
Invoice via email is available: *
Please consider for postal invoices we allow us to take a service fee of € 3,50
Contact phone for billing request: *
VAT No: *
Billing Address
First Name:
Last Name:
Company/Organization/University: *
Street & No: *
Zip Code: *
Town: *
Country: *

Where Did You First Hear About Biolegio?

Documentation settings

Data sheets send by e-mail
Data sheets download
Data sheets send as printouts
Oligo data sheets or specification sheets will be standardly send via e-mail, but are also downloadable in your order history
Shipping notes will be send with the order
Invoices are send extra standardly via E-Mail
Further order documentation types are available, e.g. data sheets in table format
Please contact us for further information

Select your Oligo from the favorie list in the drop-down menu.
Click "Add" to add the chosen oligo to your order.

You can enter the number of additional desired Oligos here, the order table will be extended with the denoted lines.

Please choose your delivery format, like tubes or plate format & orientation from the drop down menu.
If you need plates with empty wells, please use our upload entry with our excel order form.
Please proof the correct delivery format after upload.

For "Custom" dissolved oligos a query to Biolegio is necessary.
Choose Custom and enter the desired values in the popup.
On submit you need to enter a quote reference number for this specific order.

If you have not yet received one, continue your order normally. You will be prompted to send a query when submitting.

Please use a standard Excel Sheet.
Enter oligo names (max 25 characters) & sequence in separated columns.
Mark all oligos you want to add to your order and copy/paste the text into the popup.


Important Remark:
Don’t use : ; , " \ / * ? | # Tabulator.
If you fill out a second email address, the confirmation of an oligonucleotide order will not only be sent to the main email address, but to the second address as well.
cannot be offered within a punchout session, because the final price calculation depends on the samples you are turning in.
To order this service, you need to open the Biolegio webshop directly at the link below. This will end the current punchout session:
or call us at:
+31 024 358 6885
Help for Payment method needs to be added here

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